Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Top Five Films of 2006

I'm only doing a top five list because I honestly haven't seen enough 2006 films yet to feel confident doing a top-ten list. Some of the films that have been getting raves, like The Prestige, Brick and Half Nelson, I'm planning to catch on DVD soon. Pan's Labyrinth is getting the fuck watched out of it as soon as it starts playing in Milwaukee. On the other hand, the only way I could ever conceivably sit down to watch The Queen or Dreamgirls is if viewing them was a scientifically-proven vaccine against all forms of cancer, and even then I still might take my chances.

So, given the limited number of films I've seen, here's my provisional, totally-subject-to-change top five list. Note that as I see more 2006 films, I will update the list as is necessary.

1. Children of Men (I doubt highly that this movie will be moving from the top of this list, even if I see every film on earth released in 2006)

2. The Departed

3. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

4. The Descent

5. United 93

Expect lovingly-rendered reviews and justifications for these choices, starting with #5, to pop up over the next few days.

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